Beware 1 setback of Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance

Beware 1 setback of Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance

One alternative to mortgage-reducing term assurance (MRTA) is mortgage-level term assurance (MLTA). MLTA is a whole life insurance policy that provides coverage for the full duration of the mortgage term. Unlike MRTA, the coverage amount remains constant throughout the policy term, which may provide more financial security for the insured and their loved ones.

MLTA is typically sold by mortgage brokers, insurance agents, or bankers as an alternative to MRTA. It offers a broader range of benefits and flexibility compared to MRTA, including potential cash value accumulation and the ability to use the policy for other purposes, such as income replacement or estate planning.

It’s important to note that MLTA may have higher premiums compared to MRTA due to the longer coverage period and potential cash value accumulation1. The suitability of MLTA as an alternative to MRTA will depend on individual circumstances and needs. Consulting with a financial advisor or insurance professional can provide personalized guidance based on specific requirements.

Beware 1 setback of Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance

Mortgage-reducing term assurance (MRTA) is a type of insurance that is specifically designed to cover a decreasing mortgage balance over time. Here are some pros and cons of mortgage reducing term assurance:


  1. Cost-effective: MRTA is generally more affordable compared to other types of mortgage insurance1. Since the coverage amount decreases over time as the mortgage balance reduces, the premiums are usually lower.
  2. Simplified underwriting: MRTA policies typically have simplified underwriting processes, making it easier to obtain coverage compared to other types of insurance.
  3. Tailored coverage: MRTA policies are designed to align with the decreasing mortgage balance, ensuring that the coverage amount remains appropriate throughout the loan term.
  4. Peace of mind: Having MRTA can provide peace of mind, knowing that your mortgage balance will be covered in the event of death or disability.


  1. Coverage reduction: As the mortgage balance decreases, the coverage amount also decreases over time. This means that towards the end of the loan term, the coverage may not be sufficient to fully pay off the remaining mortgage balance.
  2. Limited coverage: MRTA only provides coverage for the mortgage balance and does not offer additional benefits such as investment or cash value accumulation.
  3. Non-transferable: MRTA policies are tied to a specific mortgage and are non-transferable. If you refinance or sell your home, you may need to obtain a new policy.
  4. Temporary coverage: MRTA policies typically have a fixed term, which means that coverage will end after a specified period. If you still have a mortgage balance at the end of the term, you will need to seek alternative coverage.

It’s important to evaluate your specific needs and circumstances before deciding whether mortgage-reducing term assurance is the right type of insurance for you. Consider speaking with a financial advisor or insurance professional who can provide personalized advice based on your situation.

Beware 1 setback of Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance

Investment Link and Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance are two different financial products with distinct purposes.

Investment Link is a type of investment product that allows you to invest your money in various investment options such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. The returns on your investment are dependent on the performance of these investments and can provide potential growth over time. This type of product is typically used to build wealth and accumulate savings for the long term.

On the other hand, Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance (MRTA) is a type of life insurance policy specifically designed to cover the outstanding amount of a mortgage loan. In the event of your death, the policy pays out a lump sum to the lender, reducing or fully eliminating the outstanding mortgage balance. The purpose of MRTA is to provide financial protection to your family and loved ones by ensuring that they won’t be burdened with repaying the mortgage in the event of your passing.

In summary, the Investment Link is for investment purposes, aiming to grow your wealth over time, while Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance is a life insurance policy that covers your mortgage loan, providing financial protection to your beneficiaries. Both products serve different purposes, and it’s important to assess your needs and financial goals before deciding which one is more suitable for you.

Beware 1 setback of Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance
Beware 1 setback of Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance


Beware 1 setback of Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance

One option to protect your housing loan if you are unable to work due to illness is to consider mortgage disability insurance. Mortgage disability insurance is a type of insurance that can cover some or all of your mortgage payments in the event that you can’t work due to illness or injury. This insurance policy provides a benefit specifically for your mortgage payments and can help ease the financial burden of your housing loan while you are unable to work.

Mortgage disability insurance works similarly to regular long-term disability insurance, but it specifically focuses on covering your mortgage payments during your period of disability. It does not pay a percentage of your pre-disability income like regular disability insurance would.

The cost of mortgage disability insurance will depend on various factors such as the remaining balance of your mortgage loan and the length of your loan term. It’s important to note that the cost of the insurance policy will typically be a monthly premium that you will need to pay.

In addition to mortgage disability insurance, it’s also recommended to be proactive in managing your finances and creating a plan to ensure you can pay your bills while you are unable to work. This may involve creating a bare-bones budget and considering other strategies to help ease the financial impact of your disability or illness.

Remember, it’s essential to carefully assess your financial situation and consider consulting with an insurance professional to determine the best option for protecting your housing loan in case of inability to work due to illness.

Beware 1 setback of Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance
Beware 1 setback of Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance


In order to cover illness and build cash value for your housing loan, there are a few insurance options to consider:

  1. Mortgage Protection Insurance: Mortgage protection insurance is designed to provide coverage for your mortgage payments in the event of illness or disability that prevents you from working. It can help ensure that your mortgage payments are covered, and your home is protected.
  2. Life Insurance with Cash Value: Another option is to consider a life insurance policy with a cash value component. Certain types of life insurance, such as whole life or universal life insurance, can build cash value over time. This cash value can be accessed in the future to supplement your income or cover your housing loan payments in case of illness.
  3. Critical Illness Insurance: Critical illness insurance provides a lump sum payment if you are diagnosed with a critical illness covered by the policy. This payment can be used to cover your housing loan payments or any other financial obligations you may have while dealing with the illness.

It is important to carefully review the terms and conditions, coverage limits, and exclusions of any insurance policy before making a decision. Additionally, consulting with a financial advisor or insurance professional can help you determine the best options based on your specific needs and circumstances.

Note: The above information is a general overview and not personalized financial advice. Please consult with a financial professional for advice tailored to your specific situation.

Do you need agent in digital world?

Do you need agent in digital world?

In this digital internet world, we can find insurance information on the internet with a button. Do you require an insurance agent in the digital age? Many people may believe otherwise. The public painted too many negative images of earlier insurance agents.
I vividly recall a joke during my first year of marketing insurance training.

Our local chief (OCPD) and his deputy are always on duty during office hours. They have no fear of anyone, including the mafia, gangster directors, drug lords, and money launderers.

“Sir, a gentleman named Mr Ricky would like to see you shortly.” He’s making his way up the building.”

“Is he an insurance agent wearing spectacles and a stylish tie?” The OCPD inquired.

“Sir, yes.”

“On My God, tell him I’m not around,” he hurriedly left the office as if a tsunami was about to sweep away his office.

“My boss, Mr Ricky, has left the office and will not return until tomorrow.” Would you like to leave a message?

“Good morning, Mr OCPD; would you like a coffee with me?” Mr Ricky cornered him at the back door.

What is the punchline to this joke?

Do you need agent in digital world?
Do you need agent in digital world?

Do you need agent in digital world?

Agents are only interested in my money.

We often envision those slimy snack oil salesmen from old movies when we think of insurance agents. Initial contact with insurance agents would result in selling as many policies as possible to SUCK YOUR MONEY. They will become an invisible agent until the following year’s renewal date.

The agent is known as the money Face by the general public. However, that agent is here to assist you in selecting the best policy for you. We are not God, and we cannot predict what will happen to our family and ourselves. As in the case of the 2004 tsunami, even though we have cutting-edge technology to monitor daily volcano activity, tragedies still occur.

You may have encountered an agent who is only interested in your money. I apologise on behalf of our industry for their ignorance and selfishness. Agents assist you in making the best decision on a service that you were already planning to purchase. Give agents a chance and interview others to ensure that you get the best deal for yourself.

Do you need agent in digital world?
Do you need agent in digital world?

Do you need agent in digital world?

It is less expensive to buy online or directly from the insurance company.

The commission paid to an agent has no bearing on an insurer’s quote. It won’t matter if you go through an agent or directly to the company. However, purchasing from an insurance agent or broker. May provide you with significant savings that others do not offer.

The insurance agents and insurance brokers are not the same; the public gets them mixed up and confused.

An insurance agent acting on behalf of the insurance company. They follow the strictly the guide rule and regulations. Becoming an insurance agent is very easy; you finish secondary and then sit for the three hours computerised objectives.

Do you need agent in digital world?

In the case of an insurance broker, a pass in all the 12 Chartered papers from the U.K. (Chartered Insurance Institute) associated papers written examination is the essential requirement to qualify as a broker.

They need to obtain a Central Bank license with a no-interest deposit of half a million.

They customised your policy with their quotation without any reference to the insurer. In addition, insert their clause that tailors for your need.

Insurance brokers don’t handle the small or personalised cases, only the mega risk with a completed package. They collect a single premium with a minimum range from five digits to 7 or 8 numbers.

Do you need agent in digital world?

Call the agent and ask for a quote. It saves you time from calling various insurance companies. The only way for you to find out is to get a quote.

Buying direct will allow me to avoid the middleman and save time.

Nobody wants to deal with an intermediary these days. It’s difficult to call an agent for a quote when you don’t know how long it will take.

Request a quote online. You’re getting a lot of questions during your office hours. It disrupts your workflow. Your immediate supervisor will give you a disapproving look. It would be advantageous if you still had an agent for two reasons:

Do you need agent in digital world? 1

Do you need agent in digital world?

1.) The agent will call up the insurers to sort out the best quote from various insurers for you, saving you time by not calling so many insurers. The best time to meet It would be best if you met with the agent after work or in the comfort of your own home.

2.) If problems arise or a claim is filed, the agent can assist you. It saves you time from waiting on hold for long periods and being passed from person to person to get your questions answered.

I don’t need an agent’s advice because I know what I’m doing.

An agent can offer you more than just quotes. Even with all the online research, each individual’s situation requires a personal examination to arrive at a final reasonable decision. They have a comparable home, family size, and vehicle to your next door neighbor but have utterly different insurance requirements.

An agent will assist you in selecting the best plan for you and avoiding unnecessary policies (yes, you can purchase extreme policies).

I, too, worked for an insurer for six years. The insurance industry is constantly changing due to new regulations and rules. As a result, all agents must attend 30 hours of mandatory yearly training to stay updated on the most recent new amendment act. They believe having an agent on-site would benefit the insured.

Do you need agent in digital world?
Do you need agent in digital world?
Do you need agent in digital world?

I believe that all people at least have a car policy; what is the meaning of “all riders” in the car policy? What is the definition of compulsory excess? Have you insured your car on the market or agreed value?

What is the difference between theft or full theft policy, house owner or householder policy, or even fire insurance?

You can deal directly instead of going through an agent, but why not have someone on your side who can help you make the best decisions, save you money, provide you with tools, and is free?

Whether you deal directly with the insurer or an agent, the option is yours.

Your Views
As always, please leave any ideas or questions in the comments area below.

Do you need cashless admission medical insurance?

Do you need cashless admission medical insurance?

Have you ever had to rush to an ATM in the middle of the night because someone needed medical attention? Have you asked for money from friends or family?
You even used up all the credit card limitations, yet the private hospital does not allow your family to the admission. What shall you do?

Cashless hospitalization aims to avoid such situations. The insurer pays the hospital directly, based on the annual limit.

Do you need cashless admission medical insurance?

a cashless hospitalization

Do you need cashless admission medical insurance?
Do you need cashless admission medical insurance?

Companies partner with hospitals after analyzing their medical services. These facilities are part of the cashless network, so you don’t have to pay to use them. The insurance company uses third-party administrators (TPA) to deliver to the hospital directly.

Cashless hospitalization did in two ways:

Inpatient stay

If you can’t plan and determine the network hospitals, check your policy document or call the toll-free number. Here are the steps to take.

โ€ข Get a pre-authorization form from the hospital insurance desk or download it from the TPA website. Both the patient and the doctor must sign the form.

โ€ข Submit the completed form submitted to the insurance desk for verification.

โ€ข The TPA then approves the form.

โ€ข An authorization is then sent with the sanctioned amount.

Emergency hospitalisation

If you an admission urgently, follow these steps:

โ€ข Show your HEALTH INSURANCE card with your policy number and coverage details.

โ€ข Fill out the authorization form available at the insurance desk.

โ€ข If you can’t wait for TPA approval, you can pay the hospital bill and later claim reimbursement.

Do you need cashless admission medical insurance?

Now let’s look at cashless hospitalization.

โ€ข Keep in mind that this service is only available to the panel hospitals. To find cashless hospitals in your city, visit the insurer’s website.

โ€ข Planned claims require advance notification. It includes pre-and post-hospitalization expenses.

Do you need cashless admission medical insurance?
Do you need cashless admission medical insurance?

โ€ข Notify the insurance company of emergency hospitalization within the maximum time frame. The policy document will contain this information.

A cashless hospitalization

โ€ข If hospitalized, you don’t have to worry about finances, which is a relief.

โ€ข Knowing you are adequately covered ensures you receive the best medical care.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, read the terms and conditions and understand the inclusions and exclusions of cashless hospitalization insurance. Keep copies of all bills, reports, claim forms, and discharge papers if you need them later.

Do you need cashless admission medical insurance?

The Value of Cashless Health Insurance

People are often cash strapped due to rising medical costs and crises like the current pandemic and cannot always afford medical expenses. As a result, cashless health insurance is a big help because you can get treatment without immediate cash access. You must go to one of your health insurance provider’s network hospitals to receive treatment.

It will give you peace of mind and reduce unnecessary stress. It save you time and energy when settling your claim with the insurance company.

Do you need cashless admission medical insurance?

Cashless vs Reimbursement Claims

The policyholder either pays a monthly or yearly premium to cover the family members’ medical expenses covered by the policy. The reimbursement process can be cashless or through reimbursement claims. So, here’s the difference:


The cashless feature of the health insurance policy means the policyholder does not have to pay upfront for hospital treatment. In such cases, the insurance company and the hospital settle the bills without the policyholder having to pay cash.

Payment claims

The policyholder must first pay the hospital in cash for reimbursement claims and then apply for reimbursement with the insurance company. So, the policyholder pays the hospital first, then the insurer. The reimbursement option is used for treatments not received in a network hospital.

Do you need cashless admission medical insurance?
Do you need cashless admission medical insurance?
Do you need cashless admission medical insurance?

Two scenarios with medical insurance
In the olden day, there wasn’t any cashless admission medical insurance. One of my relatives suffered so much to save his father’s life. He sold 16 acres of matured oil palm land at a discount rate.
A wealthy heartless buyer slashes his selling price twice a week, aware of his predicament. With one hundred thousand dollars, they flew off to Chennai for his father’s kidney transplant. Luckily, it was a successful operation, and he lived until he was 78.

Probe this hardship they have undergone. Was it not painful to dispose of the land at a discount price?

A dog lover woman bred a German shepherd at her big bungalow compound in another case.
After her husband’s dismissal, she grieved so much that later she too suffered a pancreas cancer in April.

Even though she had brought her cashless medical insurance for only forty thousand for one admission, it was insufficient for a single operation.

Pancreas cancer is a long-term illness, the forty thousand soon exhausted, with only Hudson’s choice left for her business owner’s son.
To save her mother’s life, he re-mortgaged his residence to the bank for one hundred thousand dollars.

Do you need cashless admission medical insurance?
Do you need cashless admission medical insurance?

When one person is dying, the family members listen to those so-called quack doctors for all kinds of expensive Chinese herbs to boost her immune system, besides the usual chemotherapy.

In July month, I paid her a visit to her home. Hardly I could recognize her. A frame of 65 Kg dramatically dropped to 40 kg in 3 months. With her emaciated body and a pair of hollow eyes on a skeleton body, she could hardly have the energy to swallow that semi-fluid food.

I received terrible news from her son in October of the same year that she passed away in the government hospital as her son had used up altogether two hundred thousand dollars since April.

Two hundred forty thousand could not save her life. Do you realize how skyrocketing medical costs are nowadays?

Do you need cashless admission medical insurance?

Now is the time to have a cashless admission medical policy. Review your existing policy, and it suffices to cover the primary operation. If it is inadequate, please buy a supplement policy to have a lesser exclusion endorsement in your policy.
Do not listen to those unscrupulous insurance agents to surrender the policy. Your health is not the same as five years, assuming you purchased a policy then.

Also, a soft reminder, check your policy for the annual limit and whole life limitation of the sum insured. Is it coverage up to 80 or, even better, 100 years old? As with improving medical health care, our life span lasts longer than our fore-parents.

Your Views
As always, please leave any ideas or questions in the comments area below.

8 tips for claiming fallen trees damage to your property

8 tips for claiming fallen trees damage to your property

Can we claim tree damage to our property?

The heavy storm stroke the Selangor in December 2021, causing many trees to tumble on houses and cars. The owner of such property was at sixes and seven, not knowing what to do next. While some may choose not to submit a claim, there are many procedures you must complete for compensation from your insurer. This post will explain how to file a claim for fallen tree damage to your property.

A tree falls on your house or another insured property. Like a detached garage, your basic homeowner’s policy covers the building and the contents.

8 tips for claiming fallen trees damage to your property

ย Do you have photos?

8 tips for claiming fallen trees damage to your property
8 tips for claiming fallen trees damage to your property

Claiming for tree damage isn’t always easy, especially if you don’t have images of the damage. Before filing any compensation claim because of a fallen tree, ensure you have pictures of your vehicle and any property damage. Recording video or audio of a storm or other natural disaster can aid in rare circumstances. Having suitable proof can help you negotiate with insurance companies and other parties engaged in these types of claims.

Contact your insurer right away.

First, inform your insurer about the damage. After that, they’ll send a claims adjuster to look over your automobile and belongings. They’ll usually tell you to photograph everything. For injuries that require immediate care, or if your claim is not for car-related damages, you may need prompt medical attention. Call 911 immediately; waiting could cause costly medical bills later.

8 tips for claiming fallen trees damage to your property

Prove it was due to weather

8 tips for claiming fallen trees damage to your property 2

We all know that the weather can be unpredictable. But can you sue if a tree fell on your land, damaging your car or home? Yes! How to do it: First, clear the debris and make sure it’s not on fire. Inspect your house, car, and driveway for cracks and dents. Get a repair quote from a contractor. Call your insurer to report on the incident now that you have everything. Please keep copies of everything in case they dispute your claim.

Get good legal advice.

Get legal guidance while a fallen tree can damage your car and property. If your insurer denies liability, you have options, but they are risky. It would help if you had legal help to file a claim for fallen tree damage with your insurer or whoever handles cleanup. Consult a lawyer about the costs, success rates, and potential compensation. Then decide what you want to do next.

8 tips for claiming fallen trees damage to your property

What if I don’t want to?

8 tips for claiming fallen trees damage to your property
8 tips for claiming fallen trees damage to your property

It may seem pointless, but you can’t claim unless you try. You can find information on filing a claim for fallen tree damage on insurance company websites and online. Call your local council or police station for help if everything else fails. If you provide incorrect information, the insurer can reject your claim. You may believe that you must prove fault or another party’s involvement to claim for tree damage.

When a tree falls, it isn’t necessarily the fault of others. If you don’t have insurance, you may still get compensation from your insurer for taking precautions against storms or falling branches.

8 tips for claiming fallen trees damage to your property

Seek expert advice

8 tips for claiming fallen trees damage to your property
8 tips for claiming fallen trees damage to your property

It’s disheartening to think of all your hard-earned money going towards repairs. What’s more distressing is not knowing what to do about it. To get your car back on track, you need to file a claim for damages. When dealing with insurance providers, always seek professional help. If something goes wrong, having your claim in writing with accurate details of damaged items will save you time, energy, and money. It helps you if you decide to sue for damages.

Consumers struggle with this area, and even some claims specialists are stumped. It’s critical to understand your insurer’s terminology for tree branches and fallen trees. Is there any cover for the stems and debris? Deny a claim if it does not expressly include these items. The easiest method to know is to ask your agent directly for detailed coverage. If they say yes, make a claim; if they say no, ask why not.

8 tips for claiming fallen trees damage to your property


Under this policy, the Company agrees to cover loss or damage to the property stated in the Schedule, including the walls, gates, and fences surrounding it.

Any object immediately resulting from damage caused by fallen trees or branches or by such damage, provided that the first RM250.00

It is the Insured’s responsibility to pay any claim under this endorsement.

The policy’s terms and conditions apply as if incorporated. Any loss or damage is presumed to be caused by fire for this section.

ย All other terms and conditions apply.

ย You’re covered by whoever owns the tree.

ย If a tree falls on your house, file an insurance claim.

Trees, shrubs, and branches can become projectiles after a hurricane or windstorm, causing extensive property damage. In most circumstances, an insurance provider will not investigate the origin of a tree or branch.

ย If the tree falls on a neighbor’s property, your insurer may try to collect from their insurer through subrogation. If this happens and your insurance wins, you may be entitled to a deductible return.

ย Keep your trees healthy and ready for winter and storms to mitigate damage. Remember, home insurance has no coverage for lack of care of the tree.

ย Your coverage may cover tree removal.

When a tree falls on an insured property, the homeowner policy covers the cost of removing the tree, which can range from $500 to $1,000 depending on the insurer and the policy selected

ย Debris removal usually is not covered unless the tree falls on an insured structure. However, if the tree is blocking a driveway or a disabled ramp, certain insurance carriers may cover the expense of removal.

ย The value of mature trees and landscaping might be expensive to replace. Basic home insurance plans cover fire, lightning, explosion, theft, aircraft, non-resident cars, vandalism, and malicious damage to trees and plants.

ย Most insurers cap coverage for a single tree, shrub, or plant at 5% of the structure’s insurance.

ย Commercially cultivated trees and plants (such shrubs for sale) require separate company insurance coverage.

ย To avoid damage from your trees, keep them healthy and ready for winter and stormsโ€”no cover for poor tree care by homeowner’s insurance.

ย Restricts to 5% of the structure insurance policy, with most insurers capping coverage at one tree, shrub, or plant.

ย Cultivated trees and plants (like shrubs) require separate company insurance coverage.

ย Steps to take: Consider your trees while calculating your homeowner’s insurance sum insured.

Your Views
As always, please leave any ideas or questions in the comments area below.

2 tips on how to claim damage from overflowing tank

2 tips on how to claim damage from overflowing tank

I share 2 tips on how to claim damage from overflowing tank. Can we claim water overflowing loss to your home when you water tank burst or overflowing due to lack of maintenance? The water tank or apparatus often install on the roof top of the house. People migrate to the city for a greener pasture, many houses, and a condominium mushroom in a crowded space. Is it fair to us that we have to pay for the development?

The developer installed a condo with a water tank and or even swimming on the rooftop. The management needs to monitor any pipes burst or leakage constantly.
No matter how tight the maintenance schedule is, mishaps do occur. Are we prepared for that?
Years ago, the old water tank burst at the low-cost government flat at Johor Bahru. A few residents lost their lives in the disaster. How to Claim Water Overflowing Loss To Your Home on this case?

2 tips on how to claim damage from overflowing tank
2 tips on how to claim damage from overflowing tank

The leakage of a transparency swimming pool built on the condo’s rooftop that most people would never forget. It leaks from the top like a cascading waterfall that can be seen a few kilometers away in Singapore. Can we claim water overflowing loss to your your home from the swimming pool.

2 tips on how to claim damage from overflowing tank

I vividly recall when I joined general conglomerate insurance in corporate marketing. A sewing machine called me to investigate the water tank leakage on the third floor of the shop lot. As a greenhorn, I was dumbfounded to discover the water damage to shop content was not claimable.

I was devastated that I signed up for the Australian Insurance Institute self-study course to enhance my insurance knowledge.

Put my heart and soul into passing all twelve papers within two and a half years. Later on, I specialized in marine insurance at the Chartered Insurance Institute of the UK.

Remember to add the water tank, apparatus, or bursting pipe to your home fire insurance. If it is a householder or home insurance, it includes this clause.
The extra premium your pay is insignificant compared to the loss and damage to your house structure and content.

Claim Water Overflowing Loss To Your Home
Claim Water Overflowing Loss To Your Home

2 tips on how to claim damage from overflowing tank

Water tank, apparatus overflowing or bursting of water pipes endorsement

For an additional premium, the Company now agrees and declares that the insurance under this policy includes loss or damage to the property caused by the bursting or overflowing of water tanks or bursting apparatus or pipes installed in the buildings certified or containing the property insured excluding:-

(a) loss or damage caused while the premises not occupied .
(b) The water discharged or leaking from an installation of automatic sprinklers.
(c) the first RM1,000.00** of every loss at each separate premises, as ascertained after the average application, or the Company’s rate able proportion of that amount.
(d) When the sum insured is not more than RM50,000.00 , it may reduce this excess to 1% of the sum insured subject to a minimum of RM100.00
(e) All the policy conditions (except in so far as they may be now expressly varied) apply as if had incorporated for any loss or damage as aforesaid shall be lost or damaged by fire.


1. The Company’s liability shall in no case under this endorsement exceed the sum insured by each item of the policy.

2. This policy does not cover loss of earnings, loss by delay, failure of the market, or other consequential loss or damage whatsoever except the loss of rental inclusive in the policy.

3. The Insured use all reasonable diligence and care to keep the premises in a proper state of repair. If the insured discovers it, rectify it immediately. Taken additional precautions to prevent further loss or damage as the circumstances may require. The insurer is not liable for any loss or damage caused by a defect received notice from the Company or any person or public body.

Subject otherwise to the terms and conditions of the policy.

2 tips on how to claim damage from overflowing tank

Typical water damage covered by homes insurance:

Boilers. The same goes for a frozen pipe that explodes, but not if you didn’t keep the house warm.

There are accidental leaks from pipes or appliances, such as a damaged washer or dishwasher.

Water damage from a fire sprinkler system or a fire department hose.

Water damage from a roof leak, a storm, or a tree falling on your roof. Remember that if an accident (such as a falling tree) destroys your roof, you must repair it quickly. If no action taken may result in additional uninsured water damage.

Storm damage from severe rain or hail.

Ice dams, such as ice in your gutter damaging your home, may be covered if the damage was abrupt and not due to neglect.

2 tips on how to claim damage from overflowing tank

Homeowners Insurance Doesn’t Cover

Here are some frequent issues not covered by regular homes insurance:

Flooding. Most importantly, no flood damage is covered by home insurance. Hurricanes, tsunamis, storm surges, overflowing rivers, and heavy rain can cause flooding. Consider flood insurance to cover these issues.

A failure to remedy a plumbing issue or neglect to keep the heat on during cold weather causes water damage.

The insured intentionally set fire to your home or turned off the heat in the cold.

The earthquake, landslide, or mudslide water damage. Is unlikely to be compensated. An earthquake insurance policy to cover damage from an earthquake.

Back-up water damage in a sewer or drain (unless you purchased special coverage for this problem.)

Water damage from a pool or other constructions.

Water damage from seepage or foundation leaks.

The insurer would not pay the expense of repairing or replacing a faulty dishwasher or washing machine.

Failure of a sump pump or related equipment, you may want to seek sump and water back-up coverage for such issues.

2 tips on how to claim damage from overflowing tank

How Can I Prevent Water Damage?

It is best to take preventive measures are one of the best ways to protect a home from water damage. Routine maintenance and timely repairs are essential.

Remember that homeowners insurance only covers “sudden and accidental” water damage, not ongoing issues. A leaking faucet, for example, should be repaired as soon as possible.

Other options:

Remove the sediment from water heaters twice a year.

Install an intelligent leak detector that alerts your phone or email (Some sensors can turn off the water to prevent damage.) In a LexisNexis study of 2,306 US homes, water-related claims dropped 96% after installing a Flo by Moen water leak detector.

Washing machine, dishwasher, water heater, and refrigerator hose inspection Replace any damaged hoses.

Inspect your roof and replace any missing, rotten, or damaged shingles. Also, clean your roof gutters. Clogged gutters can overflow and pool near a home’s foundation, allowing water into the basement.

Prevent frozen pipes if you live in a cold climate. Set the thermostat at least 50 degrees and insulate pipes. The American Red Cross has more information on thawing frozen pipes.

Clear snow from your roof to avoid ice dams. A roof or gutter with ice dams can cause extensive damage to both the exterior and interior. A roof rake can help remove snow from the top and prevent snow dams.

Remove leaves from gutters each fall to avoid clogged drains and ice dams in the winter.

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Insurer sadly denies your medical claim

Nowadays, with the rising medical cost, a cashless admission medical card, but the insurer sadly denies your medical claim. The insurer cheats. Let us dive in to determine why the insurer denies your medical claim.

Firstly, we need to understand the importance of the principle of utmost good faith.
This legal notion, known as uberrimae fides, demands contracting parties act honestly and truthfully and not mislead or hide any critical information for the contract’s success.

Good faith dictates that both parties must disclose all relevant facts to an insurance arrangement. Honesty implies submitting accurate premiums and coverage limits to the insurance company. Expect the applicants to provide all relevant personal information truthfully.

When signing the contract, the insured and an insurer requires all parties to act in good faith. Insurers play a much more significant role than their insured counterparts, bound by the agreement regarding Utmost Good Faith.

Insurer sadly denies your medical claim

The tragic Case of Liver Transplant is highlighted in Singapore.

‘He died not knowing I was pregnant was the headline on Singapore Strait Time on Friday, June 7, 2002. Too much money, too little time: frantic efforts to raise finances for a liver transplant. A donor is available, but a significant delay over cost proves fatal in this case. “Without money or surgery, there is no solution.

I flashed the headlines of a heart-breaking love story across the local paper. A heartless mercenary surgeon had refused to admit a patient admission. Like adding salt to the wound, the insurer declined a so-called cash admission to a local private hospital.

Insurer sadly denies your medical claim


The chronicle of the misfortune began in
The local specialist diagnosed him suffered jaundice zymolysis. The hospital requested him to pay upfront RM5,230.00 for admission. Look here! It was supposed to be a cashless admittance using a medical card. Later, the specialist discovered he suffered from Hepatitis B as the cause of his illness.

Lacking a liver surgeon to perform a liver transplant there, the hospital found a solution for transferring based on the patient’s grave condition necessitated an immediate transfer to a Singapore private hospital, where he underwent a liver transplant.

When he was ready for a liver transplant, he transferred the patient to another private hospital in Singapore. The donor was the late patient’s older sister, who gave her liver for her younger sibling’s transplant as a tribute of love to her brother.

Insurer sadly denies your medical claim

With no money, there will be no surgery.

“Before the surgeon can execute the surgery, you must first locate a suitable liver donor and then pay a deposit of S$300,000 in full.” According to the hospital, “No money, no surgery” was the policy of the second private hospital in Singapore.

Insurer sadly denies your medical claim
Insurer sadly denies your medical claim

The patient’s family disposed of their share, gold, and jewelry and even borrowed money from distant relatives to save him. They had enough cash in hand; they deposited the hospital. The hospital admitted her as a donor to the hospital for a liver transplant.

Misfortune befalls the family; that morning, the Lord called her youngest brother’s life to an end since he could no longer hold on.

Whatever has passed is ash to ash, dust to dust, but the living must carry on. The deceased family submitted a claim with the general insurance company for an amount insured of RM75,000.00 for the medical card claim. The surprising response from an insurance company.

Insurer sadly denies your medical claim

Ineligible for Claim

Insurer sadly denies your medical claim
Insurer sadly denies your medical claim

It is with deep regret the insurer informs you that the medical expenses for the treatment of your condition are not claimable under the following policy exclusion:

General Exclusion (11) – “suicide or attempted suicide, self-inflicted injuries, self-destruction or any attempt thereat while sane or insane. “

General Exclusion (9) – “… treatment of alcohol dependence syndrome and drug addiction/abuse.”

There was no resolution after numerous visits to the lawyer appointed. On the other hand, the lawyer demanded RM2,000 from the family just to get started. For two years, there was no hearing from the session court.

At the same time, many friends helped the deceased family write many appeal letters to the Malaysian Mediation Bureau or Ombudsman for Financial
Services. All the attempts failed.

A coincidence meeting at the shopping mall, I pumped into a lady giving me a stern glance several times,

At first, we didn’t realize we had previously worked together until I accidentally ran into his sister by accident. We talked over for a cup of tea.

“Jamin wong, can you help me get the case for my late brother. I need your help.”
“When we separated the factory export department, I was confident that you were still pursuing your studies in Chartered insurance, and now it is time you would be able to aid me.” She begged me to listen to her.

Insurer sadly denies your medical claim

“Sure, it’s my pleasure to assist people who have a genuine claim, but those lawyer’s correspondence letters, please do not give to me. I want the proposal form, cover note, policy jacket, and rejection claim letter reply from the insurer.

I will study the case within two weeks and give you a reply If I have a 90 percent chance of winning, I shall write an appeal letter on your behalf to the Bank Negara Insurance Mediation Bureau. Is that alright with you?

Even though it mentioned Hepatitis B in the brother’s proposal form, the insurer issued no exclusion on hepatitis b. The insurer did not include an exclusion clause in the renewal notice. for hepatitis B. After carefully reviewing the liver specialist’s diagnostic report, the patient died of abrupt liver failure due to Hepatitis B, not consuming slim tablets. The deceased is taking slimming pills prescribed by general practitioners.

Insurer sadly denies your medical claim

The insurer did not uphold the utmost Good Faith.

Insurer sadly denies your medical claim
Insurer sadly denies your medical claim

In the proposal form, the insured had the duty to disclose that he was a hepatitis B carrier, which he had done in good faith. The veteran general insurance agent stated; that he had Hepatitis B, and the underwriter accepted the offer without any exclusion on Hepatitis B. As a result, the insurer did not honor their obligation of the utmost good faith.

The End Is Sweet

In the appeal letter, I highlight only one A4-sized piece of paper in the grey area.

After inspect the appeal letter and all the reason I gave, the bureau confirmed the insurer needs to pay the entire medical claim. A happy conclusion, of course. The insurer sent the widow a check for RM75,000 on July 30, 2004.

The insurer doesn’t cheat the public but finds a loophole to deny your claim. Pleaseย  read carefully and understand the acceptable tiny printed wording. Before accepting the offer, the is a cooling period of 14 days. If you doubt an unflavored term, request to amend it accordingly.

In any insurance, the best is don’t hide the fact and reality from the insurer. Like in the case of medical insurance, declare your pee-existing illness, for instance, hypertension. You orally take the pill daily but tell the agent not to write the actual scenario.
As a part of the contract, you do not practice utmost good faith; the insurer can void the warranty and deny your claim. You are buying insurance for the peace of mind, not giving you a hard egg later. Beware, don’t naively treat the insurer as a dummy.

The insurer paid a small claim but denied a more significant claim. We’ll see how the insurer breaks the tenet of utmost good faith in the next episode.

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How to claim bush/lalang destroy your home

How to claim bush/lalang destroy your home

It’s been scorched and hazy in most parts of the country. Here is a “simple write-up” about standard fire insurance policy coverage for losses caused by bush (or lalang) fire damage to your home. How to claim bush/lalang destroy your home?

Bush fires can erupt at any time. When a bush fire approaching your home and family, it’s critical to assess your risks and prepare.

Making a bush fire plan is one of the most important things.

You are prioritized to know if you have fire insurance or house insurance.

A policy for bush/lalang fire insurance

How to claim bush/lalang destroy your home

If you have or are about to buy a fire insurance policy to protect your home, please turn to the page with condition 8. This section on exclusions focuses explicitly on 8(i): 8. Unless the policy says otherwise, this insurance does not cover: In this case, the fires that burn forests, grasslands, prairies, and jungle can cause a lot of damage, but they can cost you a lot of money.

Fire loss or damage to property f due to forest, jungle, bush, or other forests, jungle, or no cover for bush fire spreading by the wording in 8 I. If a fire of this kind spread and damaged your home, there would be no way to stop it.

In this case, BUSH and LALANG fired.

The rate is: 0.005%

Wording of Endorsement

Conditions 8(i) of this policy say they don’t cover fires caused by bush/lalang. The Company agrees to pay an extra premium to cover fires caused by bush/lalang, but only if the Insured keeps their land free from lalang and undergrowth while this policy is in effect.

In other words, unless there are different rules and regulations in the policy.

However, suppose you choose a more comprehensive policy, such as a Householders or Homeowners Insurance policy. There is no exclusion for losses to insured property caused by bush or lalang fires – even subterranean fires are covered.

How to claim bush/lalang destroy your home
How to claim bush/lalang destroy your home

How to claim bush/lalang destroy your home


Don’t wait until the damage occurs to gather insurance information and images and videos of your property and goods. Save this information and evidence safely somewhere you can reach it readily if you need to flee.

Taking video or images before a bush fire can help you and the insurance provider process your claim more swiftly.

Call to make sure you have appropriate coverage in case of a bush fire. Will your house building insurance cover a rebuild? Consider a policy with a “safety net” amount if building expenses rise due to increased demand for materials or new building requirements.

Remember that many insurances exclude coverage for bush/lalang fire damage if purchased within 30 days of the event. Many plans do not allow claims for wildfire damage within 72 hours of purchase, although some only allow claims within 48 hours.

How to claim bush/lalang destroy your home

Are you insured for bush/lalang fire ?

Do you have insurance to recoup damages and losses caused by bush fires?.

The most common policies are:

Home Building Insurance covers building demolition or damage.

Personal and household goods

Motor Vehicle Insurance covers cars, motorcycles, trailers, and caravans.


The initial step is to notify your insurers of your claim. Unsure if your claim is covered, file a claim and see what the insurance responds.

Note:ย If your policy documentation is lost or destroyed, don’t worry; insurance companies store records electronically and need the policyholder’s name and address to handle claims. Your insurer must send you a copy and may have them online.

How to claim bush/lalang destroy your home
How to claim bush/lalang destroy your home
How to claim bush/lalang destroy your home

IMPORTANT: Are you covered for temporary housing fees.ย 

Additional Policy Benefits explains this in more detail.

The insurance will send an adjuster to inspect the damage and gather information to determine coverage. During natural disasters like bush fires, this may take time.ย 

Always remember that your safety comes first. Only enter damaged buildings if safe. Always follow emergency service directions.

Next, you must safeguard your possessions. you take reasonable precautions to prevent further damage. Suppose you can protect your property from other loss, such as tarping exposed items or placing it undercover. The document includes images, receipts, and council or local emergency service directives.

Take photos of damaged things and buildings to help you keep track of your losses.

Document everything and try to gain the insurer’s authorization before disposing of anything because it is a safety issue.

You should be aware of your insurer’s entitlement to inspect your property and decide who should repair/rebuild/replace what. Before beginning any work, you should consult with your insurer.

How to claim bush/lalang destroy your home

Note:ย An insurer may want you to make a room-by-room inventory of damaged property. If you lose everything, ask them to pay your entire insurance amount. If they insist on a listing, ask why and seek guidance.

May determine a person to be accountable for igniting the fire. While your insurance may not cover your entire loss, you may wish to gather documentation of a court case, investigation or open another source of compensation.

The sorts of risks or insured events covered by insurance plans differ from Policy to Policy, as do the occurrences or losses excluded. Ensure you read your policy and understand your coverage to obtain your may not get all your losses paid.

Many insurance packages cover bush fires/lalang destroy to your home. However, what is covered and in what circumstances may be limited.

Common flaws include:

Bush fires that occur during the first 48 or 72 hours after purchasing the policy are usually not covered e.g., you just leased the property or changed policies from another insurer without lapsing and for the same cover.

No flame or burning building within 10 yards of your home means no scorching, burn marks, or melting damage.

until your buildings or stuff have caught fire

The policy’s terms determine the extent of your cover.

Many policies also require you to take precautions to avoid loss, such as sweeping gutters to lessen the danger of embers carried by the wind setting fire in the leaves. No need to endanger your health or safety or break local planning restrictions. What is reasonable can be disputed, especially if the fire was unexpectedly severe.


Often, the insurer has the right to decide whether to repair, replace, or payout. You can try to negotiate when they ask how you want to settle.

Accepting a cash settlement offer requires extreme caution. In your negotiations, keep in mind:

If an insurer decides to repair or rebuild, they are responsible. Insurers guarantee their work. They also manage the sometimes tricky repair process. Sometimes the repair costs are unknown so it is best to agree for a cash settlement and hire your repairer, you will be responsible for any issues arising from the repair quality.

Get your quotes to ensure the amount offered is reasonable. Repair/rebuild/replacement quotes obtained by the insurance company may not be accurate. Before settling on a final amount, you must carefully consider this sum.

You may receive store credit instead of cash if your policy allows it. If the policy does not allow store credit, you can request some money instead. However, the insurer may reduce your cash settlement below the stated value of the store credit. As policies vary, seek advice.

Determine whether you’re settling the entire claim or just a portion of it. You may have “Additional Benefits” on your building and contents insurance. Make sure you know what your policy covers.


Your home building and contents policy may cover additional costs such as emergency/alternative housing, debris removal and demolition, architects, surveyors, and legal fees.

Can add these benefits to your insurance coverage. So, before accepting any claim settlement, make sure you are entitled to more than your sum insured due to additional benefits cover.


If you can no longer live in your home, contact your insurer to see if you have temporary housing entitlements and for how long.

A clause to note whether covers you for temporary housing is:

the insurer will pay for comparable housing for up to 12 months while your building is rebuilt or repaired.”


Insurance policies for temporary/emergency housing vary. Examples:

Exact percentage (e.g., 10%) of the policy value that your insurer will cover you for temporary/emergency accommodation;

Assuming your insurer will cover “reasonable costs.”

Limitations on time:ย Some policies limit the amount of time you can claim for emergency lodging.

Warning:ย Your insurer may put you in an expensive temporary property that quickly depletes your accommodation allowance. If rebuilding your home will take 12 months, you will need a long-term housing solution.


Debris removal and land clearing can be expensive.

Check what types of “debris” are covered. For example, the policy may not cover trees, shrubs, and plant debris.

For example, your policy may cover “Removing buildings and contents debris from your risk address.”

Although not listed as “buildings or their contents,” trees and plants are not listed as “buildings.”

If you need help reading a policy, please contact your agent or the insurer.

How to claim bush/lalang destroy your home
How to claim bush/lalang destroy your home


Most home building insurance policies cover the costs of architects, surveyors, and legal fees associated with rebuilding or repairing damaged buildings.

If you’re not sure, look for a clause in your policy that says something like this:

“We will pay for a reasonable architect, surveyor, and legal fees. Ten percent of your building’s insured value.”


Events such as bush fires, local governments often introduce new regulations and fire safety standards; the authority may have implemented new rules since you built your home.

Do your policy cover these costs? A clause to watch out for is:

It includes “any additional costs required to comply with government or local authority by-laws.”

Will likely cover additional Additional compliance costs if your policy replaces your property “like new” or “total replacement cover.”


If you need cash urgently, your insurer must expedite your claim and make an advance payment within five business days. The insurer may deducted any advance payment from your claim total.

If a bush fire affects your family, you can request the government for an emergency aids. Contact your bank immediately to help you if you have a house loan.

I would welcome any constructive comments in the box below.


Never Trust what the bank says about insuring a house loan

Never Trust what the bank says about insuring a house loan.

Never trust what the bank says about insuring on a house loan on fire insurance. Don’t take the bank for granted. Let us dive in, looking at two different scenarios.

After signing the Sale and Purchase agreement with a developer with a ten percent deposit for a two-floor terraced house, a young newly wedded couple was over the moon.

Never Trust what the bank says about insuring a house loan

The bank officer says they need to take ninety percent of the housing loan on fire insurance. They duly agreed on the sum insured, i.e., $270,000.00

As they are young and still paying the education loan, they move into the new house without any major renovation, just ten thousand on a kitchen cabinet, and purchase some simple electrical appliances. They enjoy the new environment with friendly neighbors.

Never Trust what the bank says about insuring a house loan
Never Trust what the bank says about insuring a house loan

The house blazed to the ground due to some illegal wiring tampering, overloading of the current supply, and a short circuit. Like most laypeople, they thought that the insurer would pay them $270,000.00. The final settlement of the claim was only amounting to RM200,000.00. Why is that so? They are puzzling, and gossip about the insurer cheated their money.

Never Trust what the bank says about insuring a house loan

Another businessman took a fifty percent margin of financing his semi-detached house purchased from a developer valued at one million dollars. He signed for the half-million dollars fire insurance from the bank.

It was such a coincidence his house was next lane to the newly wedded couple. This businessman spent another half-million on an extensive renovation to befit his social status. Indeed, a wise man took up another half-million-dollar fire insurance from his closed associated with another insurer.

Never Trust what the bank says about insuring a house loan

After the fire broke out, his house was gazed to ash due to the hot, dry summer.
The bank insurer settled his claim for Three hundred fifty-five thousand only.
As for the renovation brought from his associated for renovation, the payment was the total amount.

The same bank, insurer, and exact location make the vast difference in claim settlement.

Here is the crucial principle of insurance. i.e., indemnity.

According to the indemnity principle, an insurance policy cannot compensate policyholders for more than their actual financial loss. If the policyholder’s financial situation had not been affected, they would get a benefit equal to the amount of the loss.

The principle of indemnity ensures that the insured will be compensated for their losses but will not profit from an accident or claim. You won’t get anything less than what you need to get back on your feet.

Never Trust what the bank says about insuring a house loan

In the first case, the bank over-insured the house for the young couple, whereas in the second case, the house was under-insured. Who is the intermediary for the insurer that none other than the bank wrongly advises their client? A lesson learns, don’t the what the bank word as gospel.

In a nutshell, it is simply common sense that the land property can burn the land to the ground when a fire breaks out. Firstly, we should go minus ten percent of the total purchase price as a rule of thumb.

Secondly, what is the profit margin of the developer? It all depends on the location and type of material used in constructing a building. It varies from twenty to forty percent of the total purchase.
Let us assume that 30% is the developer’s profit margin, i.e., ninety thousand. The actual sum insured would be two hundred and ten thousand only.

Never Trust what the bank says about insuring a house loan

Let us put it another way, if, after two years, the young couple decides to sell their nest for half a million, the new owner still must insure for two hundred and ten thousand only (assuming no inflation here). The insurer would ignore the market speculation to reinstate the burnt house as before. Indemnity would ignore the profit gain element.

In the second case, the insurance average law applies here. It is a clear cut under insurance. 500,000 over 700,000 x 100%= 71%. Thus, the final claim is 500,000 x 71%= 355,000.

Never Trust what the bank says about insuring a house loan
Never Trust what the bank says about insuring a house loan

It is always advisable to purchase another policy for the extensive renovation workโ€”the bank has no interest in covering your extra out-of-pocket money. Like fits the iron grill or stainless-steel auto gate.

Never Trust what the bank says about insuring a house loan

As for the home content, cover fire and thief under householder or home content policy. If you hire a maid at home, it is better to ensure a full thief policy instead of an ordinary burglar policy.

Don’t forget to add a rental clause even if the owner occupies their own home. If the house gazed to the ground, you need to rent a similar place for two years before getting a newly completed house.

Likewise, it is the same for non-owner occupied. Perhaps, you rent it out. No rental collects after a fire. The amount would be how much you need to rent a similar home. If it is one thousand dollars a month, add twenty-four dollars as the sum insured.

Your Views
As always, please leave any ideas or questions in the comments area below.

5 Reasons Why You Don’t Want to Buy Life Insurance

5 Reasons Why You Don’t Want to Buy Life Insurance., sadly, just 62% of Malaysians had life insurance in 2021. It implied that 38% of the population is uninsured. Why is this situation so pathetic? Is it the fault of the agent or assured?

Not only no insurance, but also inadequate coverage. The average is RM100,000-RM150,000. Can it feed your loved one for 5 or 10 years if you don’t return? The sum varied depending on whether the spouse or children worked. Nonetheless, the little money insured hardly lasts a year for a single parent with two or three kids in the metropolis.

5 Reasons Why You Don’t Want to Buy Life Insurance

Is it the parent’s duty to look after the children after one dies? The bank auctions the house for six months arrears in repayment without any insurance to cover the loan tenure.
When one parent remarried, the innocent child suffered. Victimized by abusive stepparents? Unreported rape, tortured with several cuts and bruises, and ancient wounds on an emaciated body An nasty mother’s son was saved by the cops. The argument stated confined the youngster like a dog in a little cage. Can your spirit rest if your child is abused?

5 Reasons Why You Don’t Want to Buy Life Insurance


Car loan, parking, gas, and vehicle maintenance all eat into a newlywed couple’s monthly budget. There’s also college loans, rent, utilities, an emergency fund for a child’s doctor, and gifts for elderly parents. It’s a blessing to have a little disposable income left over. Buying life insurance is a “luxury” for people on a restricted budget.
An economical term life insurance policy should cost less than a daily high tea at a local cafรฉ. Do you prefer expensive life insurance to a bedridden spouse or child at home? Death brings swift solace, but the loved ones’ anguish endures. So why be a careless parent who may later curse those still alive who struggle to meet basic needs?

5 Reasons Why You Don’t Want to Buy Life Insurance


5 Reasons Why You Don't Want to Buy Life Insurance
5 Reasons Why You Don’t Want to Buy Life Insurance

Agents nowadays complain difficulty closing sales with youthful, busy people. The yuppie goes to the gym five days a week after work. Similarly, the diet eats moderately due to health and budget constraints. How true is it? Isn’t it Do you prefer soft drinks to mineral water or fruit juice? The diabetes and hypertensive sufferers slowly knock on their door. The Malaysian population portrayed young people in their 30s, which was unknown a century ago. How many Malaysians have a yearly physical examination? Congratulations on a clean report. Otherwise, you’re an insurable or substandard risk.

Money Printing Machine Cover

Understanding insurance and unpredictable humans behaviors may take years. You have covered their moveable possessions like car, motorcycle, home, camera, and household insurance, but not themselves. Road accidents and armed robberies are rampant, so they pray for nothing. No one can anticipate when you will be sick, bedridden, or in the grips. But there’s no insurance for the equipment that prints your money: your body. Overuse causes machinery to break down, and your body is no exception. As a result, a patient dies on a hospital bed.

5 Reasons Why You Don’t Want to Buy Life Insurance

Negative Views
The two older customers sat between a young man and an insurance representative.
As my neighbor’s son spent a week in a private hospital, his insurer declined his claim.
“Why,” another inquired.

“I don’t know why they rejected me; the agent was first helpful, but then he was unavailable.”
Agent and insurance are legal lesson conman that offer you the sky but provide a barren hope.
Please consult your spouse before buying your investment-linked idea, young man. A senior client consoled the vivacious agent.
“It’s fine to reconsider,” the agent says respectfully.
So one rejected assertion became a wildfire myth.

The reality
Sometimes the half-baked agent will ask the assured to sign without filling out the medical history. They informed him he has hypertension and is on long-term medication. Whose? It’s the Assured, who stupidly signed the dotted line on the proposal form.

Its moral hazard
I did help reclaim a denied case. A hospital record revealed that assured had removed kidney stones in a government hospital, to my dismay. When asked by the agent about previous operations, he said NO. As a result, the insurer refused his kidney dialysis claim.
Another case of hypertension was answered poorly despite regular oral treatment. Insurers frequently deny claims for later-stage stroke or kidney failure.

5 Reasons Why You Don't Want to Buy Life Insurance
5 Reasons Why You Don’t Want to Buy Life Insurance

utmost good faith
The insurance legislation governs four principles, including utmost good faith. When entering into an insurance contract, the assured must disclose all material facts to the prudent underwriter before accepting or rejecting the offer. Whether the assured knows or not, inform the insurer. So, true advise bears all facts to the insurer to avoid future claim issues.

5 Reasons Why You Don’t Want to Buy Life Insurance

I am Single
Most y generation don’t careโ€”chase after the latest trendy iPhone device every six months. Also, holiday priority, credit card payment afterwards. Life insurance? Why? I am independent. Hasty response? Single, no ties, no family obligations, no parent, no sibling, living in own world, why care? Then why not let the government handle the burial or leave the body on the road or hospital to rot?

Maybe a Tibetan “sky burial” with an eagle will do.
Your grey-haired retired government servant parent doesn’t get a double whammy. Who should pay for a burial place when you lose one child? Unfortunately, you’ve established entire permanent impairment; hiring a nurse or long-term nursing isn’t a hassle. If you are in a nursing home, who pays for your care?

No Cash
Nobody wants to wait for the newbie’s counsel. Eliminating intermediaries for singles or young married couples is common. Or postponed, they may procrastinate for years. Silent sickness has no red alarms on the body. If you have a car accident, you want to be fully covered. Do you believe the insurance company will accept your offer? You flatly decline. But, in reality, most insureds have this bizarre notion. During my 28 years in the insurance field, I’ve seen similar situations. Is the insurer heartless?

5 Reasons Why You Don’t Want to Buy Life Insurance

Tight Budget, put off
We aged with time and the daily ingestion of highly toxic junk food. I met an elementary school student who had dialysis at the public hospital. Today’s civilization is characteristic of a stressed lifestyle chasing monetary rewards. The insurance premium increases with age. If we compare a 20 year old to a 30 year old, the premiums are greater and the sum covered is smaller. Aging immune systems make us susceptible to sickness. It even applies to a ten year gap band.

5 Reasons Why You Don't Want to Buy Life Insurance
5 Reasons Why You Don’t Want to Buy Life Insurance

In short, acquire insurance when you are young and healthy to save money on premiums and increase your coverage.

Sentence length jargon

How many lawyers and layman can read, understand, and interpret the insurance policy? As a result, no one is an all-rounder. Consult your agent or even the insurer for a comprehensive explanation. Examine the next point carefully; you will need to handle a claim soon.


The insurer would refuse liable if all sickness or circumstances defied the policy in this column. For example, commit suicide within a certain time frame or claim a pee-existing sickness. Please acknowledge receipt of the policy by highlighting to the assured. It is better to avoid short-term discomfort than to blame the consultant’s recklessness.

Start Date

The policy was enforced with the written date and the policy’s expiration date. In medical or 36 severe feared illness claims, the start date is crucial. Never miss it. Sometimes, assured would go to the hospital and bravely ignore the waiting period. The assured would then propagate rumors that the insurer is selling a fraud policy, even if the default is with the assured. Defame the agent, and damage your name.

The plan

In this schedule, your name and ID number should be spelled as on your ID. If you find a mistake, fix it right away. So the insurance can deny your future claims. Don’t risk the underwriter’s reaction to your consumer claim.

Indicate whether the insurance is whole life, endowment, term, or investment linked. Premium waiver due to dreaded sickness or the payer. Any day hospitalization, woman disease, and pregnant admission mentioned in your signed proposal form. Scan any deviations, notify the agent in writing, and verify the insurance approves the change. Finally, I noted the insured sum on the schedule.

Declared the policy number for future correspondence with insurance claims or endorsements. How much is the premium? Assured must warn adjusted premium during the life of the cover, not to mention the medical card renewal clearly indicated.

Invest in assurance.

Spend money on a romantic candlelight dinner, a lavish family vacation, or the latest gadget every six months. How about having a policy coverage that ensures all financial restrictions are not occurring in the continued household when you forget your way home one day?

Positively, Malaysia’s new business total premiums grew by 12.4% in 2021 compared to 2020, a double-digit increase.

Your Views
As always, please leave any ideas or questions in the comments area below.

How to claim flood damages free to our home insurance

How to claim flood damages free to our home insurance
How to claim flood damages free to our home insurance

How to claim flood damages free to our home insurance?

How to claim flood damages free to our home insurance in the recent December 2021 state flood of the century. The recent Selangor stateย  worst flood in decades has caused widespread devastation among Selangorian. The current high inflation cost of living is a daunting task for average families with school-aged children.

However, the thump up also broke down political and religious barriers. On a lighter note, the current government and the opposition leader hugged to share the most pressing burning issue: cleaning up the aftermath. Furthermore, recent religious debates have tarnished other faith; a small mosque has opened, catering to flood victims of other faiths, regardless of religion or race.

Has Mother Earth retaliated against us for destroying the atmosphere? If the answer is yes, we must face the music of global warming consequences. Have we not yet learned our lesson?

Free claim flood damages to our home insurance

The devastation caused by the worst flood in history is far from over, but property owners in Selangor are already faced with the daunting task of rebuilding. The amount of rain that fell over a period of days was equivalent to a month’s worth of rain. The never-before-flooded area sunk up the roof of a one-story house.

Beyond the human tragedy of seven dead, the widespread flood damage caused by the flood and heavy storm serves as an important reminder to homeowners in Malaysia. It is time to wake up to know how to protect your nest home by purchasing flood extension coverage to mitigate future loss claims.
Your home is a sanctuary for your family. Do not save a penny resulting in a fortune; it is never too late to closely reexamine your home or fire insurance policy. It does not cost you an arm and a leg to have flood extension coverage for your house, and you are content with one easy plan.

Flood damages claim from our home insurance

Let us study the critical benefits covered.

  • It is wise to move to protect your home and its contents.
  • ย The Policy covers your building and contents against fire, lightning, flood, and other natural disasters.
  • The insurer will replace your damaged items with new ones with inflated cost, provided it is less than five years old.
  • It covers all the accidental damage to home contents.
  • ย Protect your home contents, including TV, laptop, or others, against accidental damage.
  • The option covers only home contents. Customize to protect just your precious belongings.
  • No one loves to see wastage of water oozing like a fountain via the bursting of water tanks or pipes, thus having the coverage for the broken pipes or water tanks. The brokerage causing damages to the building and contents can revoke this clause to compensate the loss claim.
  • The Policy protects your personal belongings worldwide.
  • ย There is 24/7 protection for your personal belongings such as jewelry and watches and camera anywhere in the world.
    How to claim flood damages free to our home insurance
    How to claim flood damages free to our home insurance

    Flood damages exclusion clause in our home insurance

The exclusion clause the Policy does not cover.

1. Purchased landslide extension to prevent damage to building due to a landslide.

ย 2. Extensive damage caused by termites.

ย 3. Jewelry over 1/3 of the total insured amount.

What is the coverage?

Essential systems in the home include electrical and plumbing systems, furnaces, water heaters, and central air conditioners. It also includes cisterns and the water in them, solar energy equipment, water tanks, and pumps.

Appliances such as refrigerators and built-in appliances like dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers are coveredโ€”no covers for the food inside refrigerators.

Carpeting and window treatments, permanently installed carpeting over an unfinished floor, or any other kinds of carpets over wooden floors, your policy should cover them. Also, include window blinds and curtains.

Permanently installed paneling, wallboard, bookcases, and cabinets; replace your cabinets and pay only for damages. You might have trouble getting cabinets that match the older ones with the ruined and undamaged ones.

ย Foundation walls, anchorage systems, and staircases are attached to the building. There is an exclusion for “loss caused directly by earth movement even if it caused it to flood.”

A detached garage can be insured up to 10 percent of your house building sum insured toward your garage. For example, the sum insured for the whole building is $1 000 000.00, then the garage is $100 000.00. This amount will be minus the total sum insured. Thus the final sum insured for building is $900 000.00 and outbuilding garage is $100,000.00 = $1 000 000.00

Personal property includes clothing, furniture, and electronic equipmentโ€”covers provided that are not stored in the basement.

Certain valuables cover items such as original artwork paid according to the agreed value subject to obtaining prior approval from the underwriter with the authentic expert report.

How to claim flood damages free to our home insurance

Other coverage, some events cover even if they’re not strictly floods, like groundwater seepage and mudslides. Includes a neighbor’s above-ground swimming pool collapsing. Water flows into your home or a water main break that damages your home and at least one other in your neighborhood. However, damage caused by a sewer backup is only covered if it’s a direct result of flooding.

You could see the uprooted tree crashing the car parking along the roadside and on the car porch during the Selangor flood. Stagnant with muddy water, snake slippery through the house making a nest, a completed wash over is an urgent task for the occupant. All those unattended houses, the expensive items, is the prime target โ€“ a riot by the drug addict when the water subsided. Isn’t it a nightmare?

How shall we protect ourselves instead of waiting for the insufficient donor or government handout that takes an age to receive?ย Prevention is the better cure. Helpย ourselves. No point in crying the split milk later.!

When entering an insurance contract, the following extension clauses are highly recommended for the householder or house owner policy.

Flood extension with a rating of 0.086%, you need to pay an additional premium of $860.00 for the sum insured of $1 000 000.00. The insurer shall compensate for your flood damage to the house structure or home contents.

Flood means:

The overflowing of water or deviate from its typical path either due to heavy downpour over a long duration, storm or man make the disaster such as deforestation.

Inundation from the main public supply or flash flood water accumulation hails outside the insured building.

Exclude the loss or damage caused by subsidence or landslip.

To complement the flood cover, the insured to add the subsidence or landslip extension clause. After the heavy convention rainfall, the soil turns to soften significantly with the root of acts the fastener of the loose soil. Condominiums collapsed like a matchbox.ย The Malaysian Highland towerย is an excellent example due to subsidence and landslip.

For the subsidence and landslip cover, we pay an additional rating of 0.081% for the standard coverage. By paying an additional premium of $810.00 for the clause with a sum insured of $ 1 000 000.00, you would have peace of mind in the event of loss or damage to your sweet home.

The standard cover exclusion clause: Loss or damage

  1. It does not cover The Swimming pools, terraces, patios, drives, footpaths, walls, and gates or fences unless the building is outbuildings or garages. Flood-damaged by the exact cause and at the same time.
  2. The movement of solid floor slabs unless the foundation beneath the external walls of the buildings is damaged by the exact cause and simultaneously
  3. Occur or in consequence of coastal and river erosion. Demolish or alter the structure or repair defective design and poor construct foundations.
  4. No liability for the insurer in respect of every loss, 5% of the total sum insured or $25 000.00 whichever is the lower, after applying the law of averages.

Flood Insurance Calculator

However, deleting the standard cover by paying an additional 25% loading for the outbuilding like fence, gate and walking path, dog kennel and parking porch, and swimming pool costs $500 000.00. The additional premium for the sum insured of $500 000.00 would be ($500 000 x 0.081% + 25% loading to delete the item 1) $506.25. Thus we derive the final total premium for the extension peril would be ($810.00 + 506.25) = $1 316.25

Flood Damages Insurance

Damage by Falling Trees or Branches and Objects

A misfortune during the recent Selangor flood, the victim’s heart bleeding with blood found the house submerged with water, and the falling branches and trees fell on the house, the car parked on the car porch causing severe damage. Generally speaking, it is customary to see an insured claim for the loss or damage only to realize that the agent did not carry out the professional duty.

A wise move to cover the building and your car in such peril. Although it is a painful lesson learned, one can ensure this peril during the next renewal with a rating of 0.01%. Pay $100.00 for your property with a sum insured of $1 000 000.00

This Policy includes loss or damage to the property or walls, gates, and fences directly damaged due to falling trees or branches. The insured shall bear the $250.00 for any loss or damage. Don’t waste to claim when the claim falls below $250.00. If the claim is $ 3 000.00, the insurer pays you $2 750.00 for the full and final settlement of the claim. You are the insurer for the first $250.00

Removal of the debris (with the separated sum insured)

After the floodwater had receded, what remained was a dirty muddy floor. It is an eyesore to see floor carpet with mud, filthy muddy, stagnant water. Life has to go on. Have you ever think the cleaning process when hiring a worker to clean? What is the cost of this trying time? The cleaning company would demand an exorbitant fee for the uphill task, which is in great demand. Do you check your Policy for the removal of debris clause?

How to claim flood damages free to our home insurance
How to claim flood damages free to our home insurance

The additional sum insured can incorporate part of the sum insured with a separated sum. To be specific, it depends on the size of the building and the number of the floor. It can easily cost $5 000.00 upward.

The insurer pays the insured for the costs and expenses necessarily incurred with prior approval from an insurance company.

ย (a) removal of debris

ย (b) dismantling and demolishing

ย (c) shoring up or propping of the portion of property damaged or destroyed by fire or by any other peril now insured

ย ย (Items (b) and (c) above are deemed to delete when neither Buildings nor machinery is

ย insured)

If the insured does not have a separate sum insured for debris removal, the insurer will bear 10% liability for the total sum insured. In the case of the Selangor flood, the insured can claim up to $100,000 for cleaning up the mess out of the sum insured of $1 000 000.00, provided the flood extension clause is printed in the Policy.

How to claim flood damages free to our home insurance
How to claim flood damages free to our home insurance
ย Additional flood damages clause to our home insurance

Rent clause โ€“ not to overlook.

a) It applies only to the owner non-occupier to the premise if the building is unfit for occupation due to fire or other insured peril. The owner for the rental loss shall not exceed the total sum insured. Let’s say a monthly rental is $2 000.00, loss of rental for six months can recover from the insurer of $12 000.00

b) Applicable to owner-occupier of the premises, if the Selangor flood destroyed the building, the insured needs to find another home for one year before a new home is ready to move in. Rental of a similar standard home costs $1000 per month. Twelve months means the underwriter will pay $12 000.00 to the insured.

How to claim flood damages free to our home insurance?

  • Stay claim; the insured must first file a police report.
  • Inform the agent or insurer as soon as possible by phone, followed by an email. Any unreasonable delays could jeopardize your case. If the invisible agent is unavailable during a critical moment, which is common in Malaysia, go straight to the insurer.
  • Never seek or consult the fair-weather coffee shop friend for an opinion. Please don’t waste your hard-earned money to hire a lawyer, as it is a straightforward case, not a liability that needs a court hearing.
  • Liaise with the independent adjuster arranged by the insurer, let them have a thorough inspection of the whole scene, and ask for their approval for any minor repair to mitigate further loss.
  • Study the entire Policy closely with the insurance agent for any exclusion an excess clause. If you have any doubts, please refer to the insurer’s advice.
  • Get ready to take a video clip of the damaged item for the adjuster inspection. Remember to keep all the minor repair receipts. The video clip is of utmost importance for any future claim dispute.
  • Duly completed, sign the original claim form with the repair invoice to the insurer and copy it to the adjuster to expedite the claim. Get an acknowledgment of receiving the entire claim document to avoid undue delay.
  • Not to sign any counteroffer by the insurer unless you are delighted with the final claim. You can read more on How to claim Hurricane damage to your property.

Whether you are confronting teething problems, remember to stay calm and not panic, has a clear mind what the next course you need to take. Please call the insurance to send the adjuster to assess the damages claim to your house structure and the content, provided you insured the content too.

I want to emphasize here is you need thoroughly understand the content of your home insurance; any omitted clauses, please contact your insurer for doubt clearance.

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