How to claim impact damaged by another or your car. A plunging palm oil truck tanker crashed into the front portion of the house, causing severe impact damage to the hall, situated beside the main road. Who to claim for impact damage? Nowadays, commonly seeing your home crashed by road vehicles is highlighted in the daily newspaper.
How to claim impact damaged by another or your car
Impact Damage is defined as the loss of or visible physical damage to a home with or destruction caused to the property insured due to impact by any rail/road vehicle or animal by direct contact not belonging to or owned by
a) Insured or any occupier of the premises or
b) Employees while acting in the course of their employment.

While driving to Johor Bahru via the country road, I enjoyed the fresh air and the view of green oil palm plantations alongside Felda scheme houses. Suddenly, a loud “Bang… Bang… Bang” shattered the afternoon’s quiet. A loaded tank full of palm stearin had crashed downhill into a house, spreading yellowish stearin all over the front hall and ground.
A retiree couple, clad in their sarongs, hurried out from the kitchen to investigate. I rushed to help and managed to pull the driver out of the seat. He had minor injuries with bruises on his hand and forehead and looked shocked and speechless. I advised him to file a police report. Soon, a crowd gathered at the scene, and amidst the commotion, no one knew how to handle the situation.

How can Io claim impact damaged by another or your car? The main question was whom to claim for the house damage. I asked many people at the seminar and even at the scene. Everyone, including the elder couple’s son, said, “Claim from the truck insurance.”
I then asked the son to show me their house fire insurance. After closely examining the coverage details, I helped him contact the insurer’s adjuster to survey the hall damage and assess the property loss. To their dismay, they wondered why not file a third-party claim against the truck insurance. Indeed, it’s logical to pursue a third-party claim in this situation.
How to claim impact damaged by another or your car
Third-party claim
The cons : How to claim impact damaged by another or your car
- How long to wait for the thirty-party claim?
- Why enrich the lawyer’s pocket?
- Do you know when the motor adjuster will finalize the accident report?
- To what extent can we claim the emotional damage?
- It is time-consuming to attend the court hearing postponed one after another.
- Can you afford to keep on applying for unpaid leave?
- Not afraid of your house being burgled? You prefer to wait for three months or 2 to 3 years to reconstruct your home.
- Cover the shortfall after the deduction of 20% of the legal fee. If the insurer pays you $ 100,000 to reinstate the hall, can you make up another $ 20,000.00 shortfall to rebuild the damaged property?
Fire or Homeowner Insurance
Having a house owner or fire insurance with an extent of impact damage excluding the insured’s vehicle, you claim directly with the insurer, submitting the original police report, photographing before and after damage, and of course, the plan and construction bill. If your house is adequately insured, no average will apply; you will be reimbursed fully.
After signing the subrogation claim letter, let the insurer deal with the faulty party rampage your house. It solves all your teething problems and subsequently saves a hefty amount of litigation fees.