Insurer Denies Claim: Genuine Fire, No Settlement

Why no claim? When I joined a public listed insurer, my branch manager handed me a mountain of claim files. I diligently reviewed them at home, working late into the night. After a month of local training, I attended another two weeks of training at the headquarters with senior underwriting and claims managers. Yet I […]

Banking Secrets Revealed, Why Pay More? Part II

Banking Secrets Revealed, Why Pay More? Part II.  Please refer to my Banking Secrets Revealed, why pay more? Can the ground that erected your house can fire it down? When you buy a landed property, be it freehold or leasehold, the housing developer will charges you the land price too. In Malaysia, it is charged […]

Insurers Idnemnity New for Old Electrical Appliances?

Insurers Indemnity New for Old Electrical Appliances? Can you believe it? If insurers do pay your claim.The public would have two responses.” I….s that tr…….ue? Martin asked with his unbelievable eye. ” Yes, my Led Television which I brought in 2014, the recent lightning damaged it, the insurer paid me the 2017 current price” Mary […]