Meet Jamin

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Meet Jamin

Born in a beautiful valley undulating Kluang town in the heart of Johor, there is 400 plus coffee shop with a population 300K+. Enjoying high tea with coffee with charcoal toast bread that inherited by the British planters.

Generally speaking, people drink coffee to awake the whole night either to burn the midnight oil for student or some unfinished task. Conversely, I don’t enjoy coffee.

Is coffee a sleeping pill?

But is not my cup of tea. Why? If I suffer from insomnia, I would drink coffee retired to bed and sleeping like a log till the next morning. Coffee is a sleeping pill for me.  Astonishingly, sounds weird to many including my family members and my best buddies on the campus.

Sipping black tea to stay awake the whole night, Burned the midnight oil prior to the examination never exists in my dictionary.

” Hi, buddy, did you see Jamin around? one of my buddies asked another hotel inmate.

“Why?” my friend asked him.

” I need his help for solving the General Average calculation.”

” He has gone for movie show just now” he gave my friend a bewildered look.

Peculiar Way

Prior to a day before the examination, I hardly do any revision. A way to reward myself for a 3 months preparation, I instead went for a movie calming my mind. Stress and tension will lower your score in the examination, my belief.

My Journey

Nevertheless, I joined the shipping department of one of the conglomerate group of the company under Robert Kuok.   In order to excel in my work, I pursued the Chartered Institute of Transport (UK) majoring in shipping via self-study. This gave an opportunity for me to have a high tea with HRH Princess Anne when she officially declared open the 1st MRT of Singapore in Nov 1987. HRH gracefully shook hand with all the top experts in the shipping industry from Singapore and Malaysia, of course including me too.

Seeing the sunrise and never see the sunset in the evening after 10 years jumped out from stressful routine work in the shipping industry and seeded my own logistics company.

4 years down the road, my business getting more stable. One day, one of my secondary senior asked me to join Malaysia British Assurance Bhd.  It later merged with Allianz General Insurance Company(Malaysia) Bhd to open the marine market for this establishment in 1994.

Hopefully acquired more knowledge in the general insurance, I enrolled for the AAII, MII and, ACII one after another associate examination by self-study.

Unbelievable I Passed with flying colour in the examination even though I still operated my logistics company in the morning. It was my term and conditions before being an employee of the insurer.

Thus, I became a boss in the morning, Corporate Marketing personnel in the afternoon and self-study student in the night. Diligently study for 3.5 years to clear the 19 subjects instead of 4. Wasn’t it a surprise?

Only attend the 6 days study conducting by  MII on Marine Insurance and Marine Hull one month before the final day.  The secret weapon of mine uses the subconscious mind to study while you are sleeping.

Ultimately, I received a gold medal from our ex-central bank of Malaysia governor Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz for scoring Distinction in the ACII final paper Marine Underwriting and Claim. The only recipient for the graduation ceremony held in  Putra Worl Trade Centre at Kuala Lumpur.

The Central Bank of Malaysia gave a Marine Adjuster Licenced to me a year later.

 successful Claim grey area
  • A UK life insurer paid the full amount RM32,000. and RM2,700.oo interest incurred for the delay in the settlement.  The insured canceled the life policy after 1.5 years.
  • A composite insurer settled the full amount RM75,000.00 on cash- less medical policy. It denied the claim due the insured taking the slimming pill from a general practitioner. It is an exclusion clause in the policy.
  • The insured had 2 separated policies from the same insurer covering both identical products and incident.  A daylight hijacking.  The Motorolla handphone microchip consignment costing RM900,000.00 was hijacked in 10 minutes while the box van parked at the Plus highway resting area.  The insured willing to pay RM250,000.00 for settlement but refused to pay another RM500,000.00 policy. Finally, both policies responded.
Coaching and Seminar

A facilitator for Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) for cargo insurance for shipper students. How to avoid the subrogation clause with Pan Lorry Owner Association.

Call me/WhatAapps  +60 013-7839857


 I like to challenge the insurers on gray area on the claim matter. Keep learning and improving myself by sharing knowledge and coaching others examination candidates. It is my way of contributed back to the society.