Claim insurance for damage to fallen trees and branches. The atmospheric warm has gradually increased the earth’s temperature by a few degrees over 5 decades. This is mainly due to the massive deforestation caused by human economic activities. Having said this, Malaysians generally do not like to plant trees around their house compound. They often worry about who is going to pay for their property damage due to fallen trees or branches. Is it a naive question?
Claim insurance damage on fallen tree and branches
Neighbour’s fallen tree
” Jamin, my neighbor’s house was damaged by his fallen tree last night during the heavy downpour coupled with the strong wind. very fortunate, the tree did hit my roof; otherwise, I will sue him for compensation. Anyway, he deserved it as I did warning when we moved into our new house.” He sarcastically told me in the afternoon high tea.
” Peter, don’t be so mean to your neighbour, did you help him to clear the debris removal of the fallen tree?
“Sorry, it is none of my business, he asked for it.”
“Peter, your neighbor does he claim his fire insurance”
“Jamin, you mean we can claim fire insurance? What does the fallen tree have anything to with it?
Of course, do you remember when one of the Rhur trees hit my roof during the last month’s strong wind?
“Yes, I do”
“Ask your neighbor to contact me if he needs a helping hand.”
Claim insurance damage on fallen tree and branches
My fallen tree
It was in 2014, and my family slept around midnight after an outstation long-distance trip. I heard a loud noise hitting my roof echo silence night. We took no notice of it and continued our sleep.
The next morning, we discovered that one of of the 2 feet in diameter branches, almost 30ft long hit the edge of the roof. We suffered no injury.
My family panicked. I told my son to take out the Canon camera from the dry box with the 18-200mm zoom lens.
I took the fallen branches from the main trunk and the damaged roof of the various positions including the close-up images.
The logger cut the branches with the removal of branch debris. I called a handyman to repair the damaged edge roofing. Since it occurred on Saturday, to mitigate the further loss, I immediately instructed them to do it within a day.
On the morning, I informed the insurer about the loss claim. They formed me the fire insurance claim form.
Claim Documents
I submitted the following documents to claim the loss due to fallen branches.
1.) The duly completed claim form signed by me.
2.) All the images snapped by me and I emailed to the insurer.
3.) The original bills of repairing roofing, the sawing of the 2 ft diameter log and the removal of the debris of the branches and broken tiles.
4.) I photocopied my bank account.
Claim insurance damage on fallen tree and branches
Claim Approved
After one week, I received the approval offer letter RM (4750-250) = RM4 500.00 for the final settlement. A few days later, I checked my bank account, the insurer had already bank in the claim amount. In less than 14 days, my claim was all settled.
Rate: 0.010%
By paying an additional premium, the insurer shall extend to include loss or damage to the property to walls, gates, and fences around directly resulting from damage by falling trees or branches and objects.
The insurer shall be borne an excess of RM250.00 of each and every claim as ascertained after the application of any condition of average.
Applying all the policy incorporated herein. Any loss or damage shall be deemed to be a loss or damaged by fire.
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Thanks for this information Jamin. Most times we don’t even what claim we are entitled to because of how they frame the language in most insurance contracts. I appreciate the info. Good job!
Thank reading my article and giving me a valuable comment. In any claim, reading the policy jacket what to cover and the exclusion.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I will have to check out my own insurance policy and see exactly what I am insured against.
Thank for reading my article and giving me a valuable comment. It is advisable to read the exclusion clauses first.