Storm and tempest cover house on Fire insurance. I was away for 2 months having a tour to Sarawak state during the Chinese New Year. I had a good time at the Kapit for a cool forest stay and Sibu for the Foochow-style cooking steam fish. The Kanowit town for the longhouse stays etched in my memory. Kuching snapping scenic sunset pictures of thousand at the waterfront.
One of my old buddies called to me when I back to Johor.
Storm and tempest cover house on Fire Insurance
“Jamin, did you receive my WhatsApp video on the zinc roof dangling dangerously at my 2 story factory?
“Mr. X, when and how it happens?
“The windblown off the zinc roof on 14 Feb night, I discover the next morning?
“Did you do any repair?
“No, I make inquiries with one insurer’s branch manager and another veteran agent with 3 decades of insurance experience. Both agreed that it is not payable.”
“As the zinc roof still dangling by the side of the wall, the workmanship or rather upkeep or maintenance shall not be payable in the fire insurance policy.
What is Storm and tempest cover house on Fire insurance?
“Don’t worry, please email the policy jacket to me, after reading throughout the policy, I shall advise you what to do.” I consoled him
After study the policy content, I called Mr. X
“Please get a handyman to repair the zinc roof immediately to mitigate further loss. Also, get the repair bill for claim purposes. Meanwhile, I shall liaise with the insurer for the claim form and information about the loss claim. Even though it is almost two months have lapsed, you’re still entitled to the genuine claim.
Claim approval under storm and tempest cover
I helped the insured to complete the claim form, and enclosed the repair invoice via registered post to the insurer. 2 weeks later the claim was approved less excess of RM200.
The insured called me for a meal and asked me how I did it, why others gave the negative feedback answer. In this stage, I reserved my comment because the 2 persons mentioned earlier were also my friends. One of them happened to me, my insurance mentor when I joined this industry.
What are Storm and Tempest in Fire Insurance ?
A storm is defined as a violent atmospheric disturbance that produces severe winds, accompanied by rain, snow, or hail or by thunder and lightning.
A tempest is an exceptionally severe storm. Do we still recall the British hurricane of October 1987?
Storm and Tempest cover means to you
A storm or tempest damages your property. You are protected against the potentially very costly repairs. In the above case, if the insured does not repair the zinc roof, gradually, the wiring system will get wet and soak in the rainwater. A short circuit will prevail soon causing more damages and lead to a huge claim. Do you want it, of course not? Nevertheless, prevention is better than cure. The insured pays an extra premium, has peace of mind.
Storm and Tempest cover allows you to claim for damages that occur due to a severe weather event. It includes damage to the building structure or to items within the building damaged by the storm. For example office equipment affected by a leak from, or collapse of, an otherwise sound flat roof. Do you want to undergo a major repair of your roof? Of course not, it is advisable to pay an extra premium to have such extensive coverage.
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